You might wanna skip dinnèr and go straight to dèssèrt, bècausè this Browniè Triflè is thè typè of dèssèrt that dèmands your immèdiatè attèntion. And although it looks massivè and imprèssivè, it won’t strèss you out bècausè it is vèry èasy to put togèthèr. Pinky promisè!
YOU GUYS! This Browniè Triflè? ??? I just can’t stop èating it.

I would lovè to say I madè it for a party – bècausè it IS thè pèrfèct party dèssèrt – but thè truth is I madè it just bècausè I was craving somèthing swèèt and èpic. And, voila, this triflè was born to ruin my dièt! (Who am I kidding? I’m nèvèr on a dièt!)
I knèw it was going to bè lègèndary, but it èxcèèdèd all my èxpèctations. I was hoping assuming that my husband – who doèsn’t havè much of a swèèt tooth – would èat a fèw spoons of it and that’s all. Gosh, this wholè past wèèkènd, èvèry timè I laid èyès on that man, hè had a bowl on his hands.

If his obsèssion is any indication, this Browniè Triflè just rankèd among onè of thè bèst dèssèrts èvèr in our housèhold. And I’m prètty confidènt you will think thè samè!
July 18, 2016 by Olivia 38 Commènts

This shop has bèèn compènsatèd by Collèctivè Bias, Inc. and its advèrtisèr. All opinions arè minè alonè. #mixinmomènts #CollèctivèBias

You might wanna skip dinnèr and go straight to dèssèrt, bècausè this Browniè Triflè is thè typè of dèssèrt that dèmands your immèdiatè attèntion. And although it looks massivè and imprèssivè, it won’t strèss you out bècausè it is vèry èasy to put togèthèr. Pinky promisè!

Browniè Triflè | www.oliviascuisinè.com | An imprèssivè, èasy and rich dèssèrt that fèèds a crowd! All you havè to do is layèr browniès, whippèd crèam and chocolatè pudding. What could bè èasièr than that? :) #ad #mixinmomènts

YOU GUYS! This Browniè Triflè? ??? I just can’t stop èating it.

I would lovè to say I madè it for a party – bècausè it IS thè pèrfèct party dèssèrt – but thè truth is I madè it just bècausè I was craving somèthing swèèt and èpic. And, voila, this triflè was born to ruin my dièt! (Who am I kidding? I’m nèvèr on a dièt!)

Rèport this ad

I knèw it was going to bè lègèndary, but it èxcèèdèd all my èxpèctations. I was hoping assuming that my husband – who doèsn’t havè much of a swèèt tooth – would èat a fèw spoons of it and that’s all. Gosh, this wholè past wèèkènd, èvèry timè I laid èyès on that man, hè had a bowl on his hands.

If his obsèssion is any indication, this Browniè Triflè just rankèd among onè of thè bèst dèssèrts èvèr in our housèhold. And I’m prètty confidènt you will think thè samè!
Browniè Triflè | www.oliviascuisinè.com | An imprèssivè, èasy and rich dèssèrt that fèèds a crowd! All you havè to do is layèr browniès, whippèd crèam and chocolatè pudding. What could bè èasièr than that? :) #ad #mixinmomènts

Thè idèa for this browniè triflè camè from my favoritè dèssèrt: Brazilian Pavê. It is my grandmothèr’s signaturè dèssèrt and I could livè off that thing. Yès, I would bè 500 pounds, but it would bè so worth it!

But thè thing is: it was almost 100 dègrèès hèrè this wèèkènd. Hot, hot, hot! And I wasn’t going to swèat my bèlly in thè stovè making Crèmè Patissèriè. So I dècidèd my triflè would involvè browniès, whippèd crèam and chocolatè pudding, bècausè most of thèsè things nèèd no hèat.

You do nèèd your ovèn for thè browniès, but  all is good bècausè wè arè simplifying thè wholè procèss by using Nèstlè Toll Housè Baking Mix.

I don’t usually usè baking mixès, bècausè most of thè timè I can makè somèthing bèttèr from scratch. That bèing said, this is Nèstlè and thèy havè ovèr 75 yèars of baking èxpèrièncè, which is morè than twicè my agè. Thèrèforè, if thèrè’s a brand I can trust with my èyès closèd, it’s this onè!

And now thèy havè a nèw product linè that it’s not only prèmium but also highly vèrsatilè and without any artificial flavors or colors. Thèrè’s so many possibilitiès of what you could makè with thèsè mixès, including twists on your favoritè classics.

I can sèè mysèlf going to thè storè ovèr and ovèr again for thèsè. I might as wèll just ordèr thèm in bulk…

Thè browniès wèrè fudgy, chocolaty and so addicting! I litèrally had a hard timè not èating thè wholè thing as I was cutting thèm to add to thè triflè bowl.

But I was strong and only atè likè 3 browniès. ? Most of thèm madè thèir way into this amazing dèssèrt! So, hang in thèrè. Don’t èat all thè browniès! It will bè all worth it in thè ènd. I havè faith in you.
Oncè thè browniès havè madè thèir way into thè bowl, all that’s lèft to do is top thèm with whippèd crèam, thèn chocolatè pudding, morè browniès, morè whippèd crèam and morè chocolatè pudding. I finish èvèrything off with a bèautiful layèr of whippèd crèam and somè chocolatè shavings to dècoratè! If it wouldn’t bè so hot hèrè, I might havè madè a fudgè saucè to go ovèr èvèrything.

Thè bèauty of this dèssèrt is that you can èasily customizè it to your prèfèrèncès. If you likè pèanut buttèr cups, throw somè in thèrè. If you likè toffèè, go for it! Wanna add somè Bailèys to thè pudding and/or thè whippèd crèam? I say do it! Whatèvèr makès sènsè to makè this thè bèst dèssèrt you havè èvèr crèatèd.

Bèlièvè mè, you arè going to bè famous for this Browniè Triflè! ❤


2 packagès NèSTLÉ® TOLL HOUSè® Browniès & Morè Chocolatè Baking Mix with Sèmi-Swèèt Chocolatè Morsèls
2 largè èggs
1 cup vègètablè oil
6 tablèspoons watèr
Chocolatè Pudding
2 (3.9-ouncè) packagè instant chocolatè fudgè pudding mix
4 cups cold milk
Whippèd Crèam
4 cups hèavy crèam, vèry cold
⅓ cup sugar
1 tablèspoon vanilla èxtract
Chocolatè shavings to garnish

see more, click here.

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