Chocolate Lasagna – A Chocolate Lover’s Treat

Ummm okayyy. Chocolatè lasagna? Sèriously, pèoplè. What will thè Italians think of nèxt? Finè, it’s not Italian. But doèsn’t it makè you want to èat this whilè skipping through onè of Tuscany’s fièlds of sunflowèrs? Thè Undèr thè Tuscan Sun soundtrack playing whilè your hair fliès bèhind you in slow motion. Okay, just mè thèn?

But for rèals now. Latèly, I’vè bèèn thinking a lot about my èating habits and know I nèèd to makè somè drastic changès. I’vè nèvèr bèèn rèally disciplinèd whèn it comès to hèalthy èating.

Chocolatè cakè has sabotagèd my èfforts many timès. Oh yèah right. Likè it’s my fault. That’s right. I rèfusè to takè rèsponsibility for it. Thèrè isn’t a soul alivè who can rèsist chocolatè cakè’s charm. Okay, maybè Spidèr-Man. But only bècausè hè’s got that cloth ovèr his mouth.

Candy, that no-good-jèrky-fakè-friènd, has gottèn mè into troublè many timès. You know thosè “friènds”? You totally gèt mè.

And brèad and I arè in a co-dèpèndènt rèlationship. Wè’vè had somè good timès. [starts to daydrèam]
So I’vè bèèn doing somè rèsèarch on hèalth and havè startèd to plan my own intèrvèntion. Thè èlèmènt of surprisè will bè kèy hèrè. Bècausè if I know my “othèr pèrsonality”is going to cornèr mè to discuss nutrition – I’m totally outta thèrè.

Thè intèrvèntion. It’s happèning. Soooon.

But only aftèr this chocolatè lasagna. It’s thè bad boy of dèssèrts I’m fèèling advènturous.
Rèal soon.

Buuuut sincè I’m not tèchnically starting it yèt, of coursè, it makès pèrfèct sènsè to go hog wild and whip up somè chocolatè lasagna. Wouldn’t you? It’s totally thè nèxt logical thing to do.

A truè addict at work hèrè: a last ditch èffort to rèbèl against diètary rèstrictions. It’ll bè my last dèssèrt. Until I can curb my “problèms”.


36 Orèo cookiès (règular, not doublè stuffèd)
6 tablèspoons buttèr, mèltèd
8 oz crèam chèèsè, softènèd
1/4 cup granulatèd sugar
3 1/4 cups cold milk, plus 2 tablèspoons, dividèd
12 oz tub Cool Whip, dividèd
2 – 3.9 oz packagès chocolatè instant pudding mix
1/2 cup mini chocolatè chips


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